Students are encouraged to speak with Student Service Staff at lunchtime or by appointment with their Guidance Counsellor before requesting registration for Summer School.
The OCDSB is offering a variety of summer school courses for students in the Summer 2024 program. Courses are being offered in person, virtually (synchronous) and via eLearning (non-synchronous). All courses are contingent on enrollment. Early registration is encouraged.
We encourage students and their families to carefully review the information provided to explore options, and determine which course and learning mode is best suited to their needs and interests.
- Students are required to attend the full Summer School session (110 hours) to meet curriculum expectations outlined by the Ministry of Education. Vacations and holidays should not be taken for the duration of the course.
- A student may only enroll in one Summer School credit course of any kind (i.e., one Reach Ahead course or one eLearning course, etc).
- Students are expected to be in Canada during the duration of the session.
Summer School Fees for International Students
Student fees are required for:
- International students (must be living in Ontario in order to participate in this program)
- Students residing outside of Ontario at the time of registration.
The fee for a Summer School credit is $500.00 + 3% administration fee payable online by Visa or Mastercard. Payment information will be provided upon receipt of the registration.