Book an Appointment

How to Connect with my Guidance Teacher

If you need to ask a question, you can come down to Student Services at lunchtime. Topics could include applying to Community Involvement hours, how to request a course change for semester 2, and other general inquiries.

High school can be an exciting experience. However, there are times when everyone could use some support and help. Guidance counsellors can provide support for students who might need assistance with managing challenges affecting their school life by connecting them to help through Student Success, Learning Support, or other professionals and community partners. If you have something specific to your academic or personal situation to discuss or ask a question about, please reach out and use the online booking system at the link below your Guidance Teacher's name to book an appointment.


Ms. Sheri Buffett

Guidance Office Administrator

613.239.2424 x2007

Ms. Nancy Fraser

Guidance Counsellor - A-C 

Book an appointment

Ms. Jasmin Schuster

Guidance Counsellor - D-I

Book an appointment

Ms. Paula Leitch-Blais

Guidance Counsellor - J-O

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Ms. Laura Pong

Guidance Counsellor - P-Z

Book an appointment

Ms. Nadia Choudhry

Guidance Services Assistant (AM)

613.239.2424 x2013

Ms. Huong Thai

Multicultural Liaison Officer (MWF)

613.239.2424 x2174