In secondary schools across the District, Experiential Learning Pathways are connecting students to community partners and authentic, meaningful learning experiences. Program Pathways like Co-Op, Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM), and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) give students the opportunity to apply their formal learning to their life goals and make contributions to their community.

CO-OP Education
Cooperative Education provides secondary school students the ability to earn credits while working in a community outside of their school. Students will have the opportunity to develop personal and workplace skills important to their career and life planning.
Learn more about CO-OP.

SHSM - Speciality High Skills Major
Students focus on a career path that matches their skills, interests and talents while earning their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students receive
- Diploma with "Specialist" Designation
- Relevant skill development through Experiential Learning
- Industry Recognized Certifications
- Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship Opportunities
Learn more about SHSM.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs (OYAP)
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) offers full-time secondary school students the opportunity to train as apprentices while enrolled in school through Cooperative Education placements. In the first year of the program (grade 11), the student is exploring skilled trades. The student is usually a registered apprentice in the second year (grade 12).
Learn more about OYAP.

Dual Credit
Through the Dual Credit Program, high school students have the opportunity to earn up to 4 dual credits by taking part in apprenticeship training and college courses. Students enrolled in the program can earn both high school and college credits upon successful course completion.
Dual credit programs are linked to the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP).
Learn more about Dual Credit.
There are many opportunities at Glebe to explore career options and develop skills, many are through experiential learning opportunities.
Please fill out the Experiential Learning - Student Survey so we can have an idea of where our future grade 11's interests stand.