Graduation Resources

Ontario Secondary Schools Diploma Requirements

Scholarship & Financial Aid

You can pay for your university or college education using a single source or a combination of sources thru awards, bursaries, loans and even work study programs.

Financial aid from schools may be available. You can check with a college or university directly to see what financial aid programs they offer. You could be eligible for these sources of money which you don’t have to pay back.

Please note: many applications will require some time and effort to complete the application. You may be asked to describe your academic goals, your community involvement, volunteer activities, extra-curricular activities as well as your career plans. Your financial situation may also come into consideration. Read the description of each award carefully and be sure you complete each application with care.

Scholarship & Financial Aid

Community Involvement Hours

As part of the high school diploma requirements, each student must make a positive contribution to the well-being of the community. The community involvement consists of student self-directed activities of at least 40 hours which must be completed before graduation. The activities must occur outside normal instructional hours.

The purpose of the community involvement is to promote community values by:

  • helping students understand how they can make a positive difference in their environment
  • having students contribute to their community
  • increasing student awareness of community needs
  • discovering the role students can play in making their communities better places in which to live and work
  • developing a positive self-image and a greater sense of identity in the community
  • providing a possibility for exploring career opportunities

Students are eligible to start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter grade 9. In order to ensure that activities are on the OCDSB list of eligible activities, the student should consult the following websites to ensure that chosen activity conforms to the OCDSB guidelines for suitable and acceptable community involvement.

Community Hours Involvement