Glebe Collegiate Institute, located in the beautiful Glebe neighbourhood, has developed a rich tradition since opening in 1922. Many of our students achieve national and international recognition, and we are proud of the educational foundation that Glebe has given to its students.
Glebe’s commitment to learning is embodied in the school’s motto ‘Strive for the Heights’. Staff and students celebrate the diversity of our school community through a culture of mutual respect, leadership, integrity, and compassion.
Please note the this is an abridged version of school rules. For complete information on school policies consult the Student Handbook.
Students are expected to arrive to school and class on time in the morning (8:50 am) and after lunch hour (12:25 pm). If the late is explained by a medical appointment with a note from a parent/guardian or medical professional, the student must report to the main office to sign in and will be given an Admit Slip (from the Slip Printer). Students who are late without justification, should report directly to class to sign in. Lateness will be monitored and consequences applied by the classroom teacher. Habitually late students will be referred to a Vice-Principal.
Student absences must be justified by a note from the parent/guardian. If a student is ill or has an appointment the parent/guardian can call the attendance line at 613-239-2424 ext 1. The student can also bring in a note to the main office from the parent/guardian the next day. Messages can also be emailed to:
Although students 18+ years can write their own notes, this policy does NOT apply to International students.
The definition of skipping is “not following the most current computer-generated timetable.” Skipping will be consequenced by the classroom teachers responsible for course attendance. Unjustified absences are noted on your attendance record. Field trips are considered as “Excused absences”.
Please note! Students who will have an extended absence (more than 5 school days) must seek Principal's permission. A note from parent/guardian is required at the main office.
Cell Phones/Cameras
At Glebe Collegiate Institute, students are permitted to use electronic communication devices [e.g., cellular phones, pagers, etc.] during class time only under certain conditions as determined by the teacher. Students should therefore ensure that their cell phones are turned off when they enter the classroom. Students whose cell phones or pagers are activated during class time, may be required to surrender their cell phones to a staff member for pick up at the end of the day in the Vice-Principal’s office. Progressive discipline consequences will be assigned by the administration for repeat violations of this policy.
The school will be providing locks to all students. Students must use these school locks. Students must register their locker number with the main office and receive their school-issued lock. Lockers that are bolted are reserved for school use.
Lockers and locks are the property of the school and as such are subject to search at any time. For security and safety reasons, students are asked not to share a locker with a partner or give out the combination to the lock—even to your friends. When closing locks students are advised to spin the dial several times. Also, when opening locks students should hide the combination from others. Do not change a locker without approval from your vice-principal.

Multi-Cultural Liaison Officer (MLO)
Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization
Ms. Huong Thai (M,W,F) 613.239.2424 x 2174 or 613.897.6410
Homestay International
Ms. Brenda St.Jean 613.686.6764 x 2040
Glebe CI's Relationship Manager
Yukiko Iwasaki 613.686.6764 x 2275
Ottawa-Carleton Education Network (OCENET)
Ottawa International Student Program (OISP)
Vicente Conte - Office Administrator
Tel: 1.613.239.0277 x 2102
Kevin Orange - Finance and Operations
Tel: 1.613.239.0314 x 2101