Ottawa is the heart of Canada’s non-profit sector. The Social Justice: Non-Profit SHSM combines class work with experiential learning in areas such as health, social development, arts, sports and recreation, and the environment. Students in the non-profit sector SHSM at Glebe are committed to making a difference and will develop their skills in leading organizations of the future.
If you think the Non-Profit Sector SHSM sounds like something you are interested in, the SHSM courses & requirements below to see if you are on the right track. Students interested in completing the SHSM program should complete the Supplementary Application form (see below) and see their Guidance Counsellor for an appointment.
For more information on SHSM visit the Ontario Ministry of Education.
- About Us
- Book an Appointment
- New Students
- International Students
- Special Programs
- Experiential Learning Pathways & Co-op
- Learning Support
- Enrichment & Learning Opportunities
- Post Secondary
- Graduation Resources
- Community Hours
- Request for Student Records
- Aftermath of a Traumatic Event
- Mental Health Community Resources