Student Services

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) - Spring 2025
The Spring session of the OSSLT is being held for current grade 10 students, and grade 11 and 12 students who have not yet completed the literacy requirement. Students scheduled to write the test, along with their families, will receive a letter today with information about the test. Students will take the test on either Tuesday, April 1st OR Wednesday, April 2nd. Your student will receive an email next week confirming the date and room for their session.
Course Selection
All returning Glebe CI students should have submitted their course selections for 2025-2026 this week. Students have been asked to share their selections with their parent / guardian by logging into their Xello account. If you have not already done so, please connect with your student to verify their selections and submit the online form accessible at this link: Course Selection Parent Verification Form - for 2025-2026 Selections
Questions? Students are always welcome to drop in to Student Services at lunch time if they have a question.