Daily Announcements & Updates

Morning Announcements

GCI Update - February 28, 2025

Hello Glebe Families,

News and updates below:

School Council:

a)There will be no School Council meeting in March.

b)School Council Fundraiser:

Following last year's success, GCI School Council is once again teaming up with Purdy's Chocolates to raise funds for a number of current school priorities.   Don't miss your chance to stock up on your favorite Purdy's treats and support a great cause at the same time!

All fundraising profits raised will directly support our school, so every order makes a great difference!   To order, just click on this link GCI Purdy's Fundraiser, fill out your info, then click "Join Campaign".   To make your purchases, select the "Shop Online" tab and then press either "Order Form" to choose your items from a list, or choose your items next to the photos on the Marketplace page.

Here is the catalog for easy browsing (our customer number is 75642 in case you choose to scan the QR Code there):  Purdy's 2025 Catalog

Order by Tuesday April 1st and we'll have it ready for pick up on Wednesday April 16th, in time for the Easter long weekend!   This is also open to the broader community so tell your friends and neighbours too!

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Hurst at laura.hurst0@gmail.com

Thank you for your support!

Did you know that Purdy's is a Canadian company that gives back by supporting clean water initiatives and purchasing cocoa from sustainable farms?

Initial Learning Updates (ILUs):

ILUs will be sent home via email on March 17th.

Parent/Guardian - Teacher Interviews:

Interviews will take place on March 26th - exact times will be shared soon.

Student Services:

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) - Spring 2025

The Spring session of the OSSLT is being held for current grade 10 students, and grade 11 and 12 students who have not yet completed the literacy requirement. Students scheduled to write the test, along with their families, will receive a letter today with information about the test. Students will take the test on either Tuesday, April 1st OR Wednesday, April 2nd. Your student will receive an email next week confirming the date and room for their session.

Course Selection

All returning Glebe CI students should have submitted their course selections for 2025-2026 this week. Students have been asked to share their selections with their parent / guardian by logging into their Xello account. If you have not already done so, please connect with your student to verify their selections and submit the online form accessible at this link:  Course Selection Parent Verification Form - for 2025-2026 Selections

Questions? Students are always welcome to drop in to Student Services at lunch time if they have a question. 


OSSLT prep sessions will be taking place in the Library at lunch on March 6th, 20th and 27th to help students prepare. All students who are writing the OSSLT this semester are encouraged to attend these sessions to get tips, tricks, & practice writing the test as well as get their questions answered.


Grad baby photos, which are presented next to your grad photo in the yearbook, are due on the 17th of March — sent in via form on the Google Classroom.

Grads who do not submit a photo will have their earliest student photo (such as their grade 9 photo) used instead of the baby photo so that everyone can still see how far you have come on your learning journey!

STEM Opportunity:

Glebe is hosting an amazing event on Saturday March 22 for students who are interested in STEM in our neighbouring schools. 

PuMP+ is a free in-person event that will expose students across Ottawa to various STEM opportunities, research and summer programs, leadership, volunteering and advocacy, university information and scholarships, and more. On top of that, PuMP+ provides the chance for students to listen and interact with distinguished medical professionals and university students.  

Here is the sign up form Pump Sign up

Health & Safety:

The staircase at the back of the school by door E has been closed for security reasons. The excessive snow and the location of the snowbank for the snow removal contractor have made it unsafe for use. It currently is closed with caution tape to make people aware of the potential hazard and will be chained with proper signage as of next week. If we could please inform people to avoid using these stairs until further notice to ensure everyone's safety that would be greatly appreciated.

France Exchange:

5-Week Ottawa-Provence France Reciprocal Exchange

Are you interested in improving your French while living and studying in the south of France for 5 weeks next spring? You would also host a student from France in your home and school for 5 weeks this fall!

The 2025 - 2026 Ottawa - Provence Exchange is open to students in Core French or Immersion with preference given to students in the International Certificate Program. Students will have the option of earning a school credit. The estimated cost of the exchange is approximately $3700.

Interested students and their families are encouraged to sign up here to attend a virtual information session on March 5 from 7 - 8 p.m.

More details are on our website including the application which is due April 7. 

Glebe Athletics:

Last week, the GCI Nordic Ski Team went up to Sudbury to compete in this year’s OFSAA competition and the results were outstanding, to say the least:

Team Results:

OFSAA Champions for:

-Junior Girls

-Senior Boys

-Senior Boys Sprint Relay

-Combined Senior Team


-Junior Girls Bronze in Sprint Relay

-Junior Boys 4th in Sprint Relay

-Senior Girls Bronze in both team even and Sprint Relay

Individual Performances

Erich S - Silver (Junior Boys Open)

Madeleine B - 4th (Senior Girls HS)

Lluc B - 5th (Senior Boys Open)

Julia VW - 8th (Senior Girls Open)

Fionna Q-C - 8th (Junior Girls Open)

Fenna I - 8th (Junior Girls HS)

Here is a photo of the banners GCI brought back to school that have been put up on the main office: IMG_0762.jpg 

Thank you,

Glebe CI Staff 

GCI Update - February 21, 2025

Hello Glebe Families,

Some news and updates below:

School Council:

The next School Council meeting will be held on February 24th starting at 7:00 in the GCI library.

Initial Learning Updates (ILUs):

ILUs will be sent home via email on March 17th.

Parent/Guardian - Teacher Interviews:

Interviews will take place on March 26th - exact times will be shared soon.

Glebe Trivia:

Glebe Trivia will be hosting its second trivia night of the year TONIGHT Friday February 21st from 7-9 pm in Glebe's cafeteria. Tickets are $7 for students and $12 for adults and can be purchased at the door. There will be food and drinks for sale. Come with a team, or come alone and join a team. Fun will be had! This is a fundraiser in support of Glebe's multiple time national championship winning trivia team.


On April 4, students enrolled in the International Certificate Program will be attending a presentation by representatives from the Japanese embassy on Japanese culture. This is ahead of students visiting us from Osaka on exchange later in the month.

If you would like more information on the ICP and/or exchange opportunities offered through the OCDSB, please contact Mr. Fried and/or Ms. Baurenschmidt.

Grad Retakes:

Due to a technical issue, the grad photo retakes had to be postponed until February 27th. We will be honouring the same order. Slots are still open, so students who missed their grad photo or want a retake can still book one via the form on their Google Classroom.

Health & Safety:

The staircase at the back of the school by door E has been closed for security reasons. The excessive snow and the location of the snowbank for the snow removal contractor have made it unsafe for use. It currently is closed with caution tape to make people aware of the potential hazard and will be chained with proper signage as of next week. If we could please inform people to avoid using these stairs until further notice to ensure everyone's safety that would be greatly appreciated.

France Exchange:

5-Week Ottawa-Provence France Reciprocal Exchange

Are you interested in improving your French while living and studying in the south of France for 5 weeks next spring? You would also host a student from France in your home and school for 5 weeks this fall!

The 2025 - 2026 Ottawa - Provence Exchange is open to students in Core French or Immersion with preference given to students in the International Certificate Program. Students will have the option of earning a school credit. The estimated cost of the exchange is approximately $3700.

Interested students and their families are encouraged to sign up here to attend a virtual information session on March 5 from 7 - 8 p.m.

More details are on our website including the application which is due April 7. 

GCI Update - February 14, 2025

Hello Glebe Families,

Please see below on upcoming events at GCI:

School Council

The next School Council meeting will be held on February 24th starting at 7:00 in the GCI library.

Student Services

a)Course Selection:

Course Selection due dates for students are as follows:

-Current Gr. 9s: Tuesday, February 18th

-Current Gr. 10s: Tuesday, February 25th

-Current Gr. 11s: Wednesday, February 19th

-Current returning Gr. 12s: Wednesday, February 19th

We also ask that Gr. 12 students who are not returning to please indicate this on the Xello course selection program. This gives the school Administration a better idea of what student enrolment will be next school year as student and teacher timetables are created.

b)Carleton Family Night for Grade 9 and 10 Students:

Grade 9 & 10 students and their families are invited to visit campus on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Carleton staff will share information about prerequisites and discuss how the decisions you make now will help set you up for success when applying to university. Join Associate Dean of the Sprott School of Business, Rebecca Renfroe, for a session on Budgeting: Time and Money Management to learn fun and easy tips for managing your time and money, so you can focus on what matters most!

For for information and registration: CLICK HERE


The Library student book club is meeting on Thursday, Feb. 20th at lunch in the Library to discuss the first half of Five Survive by Holly Jackson. All students are welcome to join to discuss and continue to read this book.

Photo Day

Students who did not get their photo taken for an ID card because they missed the days in September and October, or who are new to the school, will need to get their photos taken Tuesday morning. Students who need one but know in advance will miss that time should contact Mr. Fried as soon as possible. Grad photo retakes can be booked solely through the form on their Google classroom.

Thank you,

Glebe CI Staff


GCI Update - February 1, 2025

Hello Glebe Families,

This week's update as we head into Semester 2:

School Council:

The next School Council meeting will be held on February 24th starting at 7:00 in the GCI library. 

School Presentations:

Please read below regarding two presentations that will be given to GCI students in February:

a)Human Trafficking presentation for Grade 9 students: Feb 10 Grade 9 Presentations - info for students_families_staff (1).pdf 

b)School wide assembly celebrating Black History Month: School Wide Assembly for Black History Month.pdf 

Student Services:

1.Semester 2 Timetables

Students will receive their Semester 2 timetable via their school email on Monday, February 3rd before school starts.

Course Change Requests:

Please note that the school will only be able to accommodate certain student timetable changes (such as an error in a compulsory course, missing courses, etc.).  In building individualized student timetables, our priority is to ensure that all students have what they need to meet graduation requirements.

Questions about timetables?

If a student has a blank in their timetable (and should not have one), they need to come to Student Services during that time. 

If students have a question about their timetable, they can come to Student Services at lunchtime or after school (before 3:15 pm).

2. Course Selections for Next Year 2025 - 2026

Course selection information will be shared with students and families at the end of the first week in February. Please save your questions about selecting courses for next year until our course selection season launches on February 7th.

We are hosting course selection information and Post Secondary Planning and Course Selection sessions for families on Wednesday, February 12. 

-6:00 pm Course Selection for Families with Students in the ESL Program - Families will receive a letter with details. 

-6:30 pm  Course Selection and Pathway Planning - Students currently in Grade 9 or 10 

-7:15 pm Course Selection and Pathway Planning Presentation - Students currently in Grade 11 or 12. 

3. Carleton Family Night for Grade 9 and 10 Students 

Grade 9 & 10 students and their families are invited to visit campus on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Carleton staff will share information about prerequisites and discuss how the decisions you make now will help set you up for success when applying to university. Join Associate Dean of the Sprott School of Business, Rebecca Renfroe, for a session on Budgeting: Time and Money Management to learn fun and easy tips for managing your time and money, so you can focus on what matters most!

For for information and registration: CLICK HERE

4. Winter 2025 OCDSB Night School

Registration is open for Winter 2025 Night School Classes. For more information and to access the registration request form, please refer to our website at this link: Glebe CI --> Student Services --> Night School


1) We are hosting a Multi-Language Learner Parent/Guardian information Night on Wednesday, February 12th. We are inviting parents/guardians who speak Ukrainian, Farsi, Mandarin and Arabic to join us between 6:00-7:00pm to learn about our course selection process, the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, and volunteer hours. We will have translation, child care, and coffee and treats available. Student services will be hosting parents of grade 9 and 10 students at 6:30pm to learn about course selections and grade 11 and 12 post-secondary pathways at 7:15pm in the Library. Parents and/or guardians are welcome to join.

2) The Multi-Language Learner book club takes place every Wednesday at lunch in the Library Seminar room. All ESL CO/DO/EO students are welcome to join. 


Semester one is now finished… and what better way to remember it with a copy of Lux Glebana? Pre-orders are still available via School Cash Online – $85 for the over 200 pages of colour photos between hardcovers celebrating the school year, with an optional $5 personalization fee. 

Thank you,

Glebe CI Staff

Hello Glebe Families,

Last message of 1st semester below:

School Council:

The next School Council meeting will be held on February 24th starting at 7:00 in the GCI library. 

Final Evaluations/Exams:

Please see the attached re: this semester’s final evaluation/exam schedule: Exam Schedule for January 2025 for messenger (2).pdf 

Student Services:

1. Accessing Assistance from Student Services Staff

Questions about courses for semester 2? Students can speak to someone in Student Services staff between 10:30 am and 12:15 pm on a drop in basis during exam week Mon., Jan 27 - Thurs., Jan 30. 

2. Course Selections for Next Year 2025 - 2026

Course selection information will be shared with students and families at the end of the first week in February. Please save your questions about selecting courses for next year until our course selection season launches on February 7th.

We are hosting course selection information and post secondary planning sessions for families on Wednesday, February 12. 

-6:00 pm Course Selection for Families with Students in the ESL Program - Families will receive a letter with details. 

-6:30 pm  Course Selection and Pathway Planning - Students currently in Grade 9 or 10 

-7: 15 pm Course Selection and Pathway Planning Presentation - Students currently in Grade 11 or 12. 

More information to follow. 

3. Winter 2025 OCDSB Night School

Registration is open for Winter 2025 Night School Classes. For more information and to access the registration request form, please refer to our website at this link: Glebe CI --> Student Services --> Night School

4. Carleton Family Night for Grade 9 and 10 Students 

Grade 9 & 10 students and their families are invited to visit campus on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Carleton staff will share information about prerequisites and discuss how the decisions you make now will help set you up for success when applying to university. Join Associate Dean of the Sprott School of Business, Rebecca Renfroe, for a session on Budgeting: Time and Money Management to learn fun and easy tips for managing your time and money, so you can focus on what matters most!

For for information and registration: CLICK HERE

Thank you,

GCI Staff

Daily Schedule


Odd Dates
Even Dates
8:50-10:05 Block A Block B
10:10-11:25 Block B Block A
11:25-12:25 LUNCH
12:25-1:40 Block C Block D
1:45-3:00 Block D Block C