Course Selection

Please review the following information carefully regarding course changes.

Timetables are built based on student choices made during the February - March selection period. Only a very limited number of course changes are possible since many courses are full at this time.

Any students who require a course change must follow the Student Services team process. Though current students can see their selections in Xello at this time, they cannot make changes through that program.

Students seeking changes to their timetable at this time need to see a Guidance Counsellors. Guidance staff is available every lunch and after school for drop ins. 

Our Student Services staff will be processing online requests in order of priority (click here for info). Priorities include missing prerequisites and meeting graduation requirements.

Elective course changes will only be processed afterwards where possible. Check your school email regularly to receive information on the status of your course change request.

Student Services maintains waiting lists, and changes to timetables, when possible, will be made up until the 5th day of class.

If you have an urgent timetable question, please come to student services at lunch during the first week of school.

Listen to announcements for any updates and instructions regarding course changes.

Course selection materials will be sent to the email provided at registration.

graduation requirements

steps for course selection - for current ocdsb students

You will find below the worksheets according to grade levels, presentations and how to navigate through Xello.

Mandatory eLearning Graduation Requirement and Opt-out Information

If your child would like to opt-out of this requirement, you can do so at OCDSB 992 - Online Learning Graduation Requirement - Opt-Out form

We were just made aware of new graduation requirements for students relating to e-learning. These were released by the Ministry of Education and are explained in (PPM 167). The purpose is to provide students with access to a wider variety of courses, increase digital fluency and gain transferable skills to support lifelong learning.


- Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in 2020-21 (current Grade 10 students), all students must earn a minimum of two e-learning credits in order to graduate with an OSSD. Students in certificate pathways are exempted from this requirement.

- Students who were in Grade 9 in 2020-21 will receive one e-learning credit in recognition of their pandemic learning experiences.

- Please check with your guidance department to see if your student qualifies and has received the one e-learning credit from the OCDSB.

- E-learning courses are delivered asynchronously and cannot include those earned through in-person learning (same e-learning course and same educator together), blended learning, or remote learning (includes part synchronous learning).

- There is a form linked above that allows students/families to opt out of the e-learning graduation requirement.

- Adult learners entering in 2023-24 or later will be required to complete the e-learning requirement unless they opt out.

other tools

How to log into Xello

Glebe Course Calendar Descriptions - The Course Calendar provides descriptions of the course content as well as the prerequisites required for each of our courses.

Education Planner - Graduation requirement chart to help you plan your path to your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

OCDSB Course Selection Guide

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