
We have an active school council as well as many volunteers who help ensure that our school is a great place for our children to learn. Stay in touch with what is happening with the school council and learn about volunteer opportunities for parents and guardians.

Subscribing to the mailing list ensures that you receive relevant and up-to-date information from the school council about meetings, fundraising, special events and school presentations for parents/guardians. Emails are sent irregularly and only as needed when you Subscribe to our mailing list in just 20 seconds. 

Each semester the school council hosts a lunch for teachers and staff. December sees December Dinner that's really a lunch and in June we host a Strawberry Social.  Parent/ guardian volunteers are always needed and appreciated for both providing dishes and hosting the event. Participation is a great way to show your support and to engage with other parents.

School council welcomes everyone to the table but needs a few key people interested in forming the executive. Come to a council meeting to learn more. 

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